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St. Martin Council Resources

This site is intended to be a clearing house for important information on the help resources available to the Vincentians of the St. Martin Council.  





Here are links to the various pages and topics that are housed on this site.


Welcome to the St. Martin Council resource page for all Vincentians in the Council.  This is intended to be a dynamic site and any corrections or additions are very welcome.  See the “contact us” menu item to send your comments.

To the left is a link to various resources available on this site.  This is organized in this way to try to make it as easy as possible to navigate for folks on Tablets or a phone.  As some point in time we may change things around based on what kind of feedback we got on content and presentation. 

Some conferences already have a web site.  Please send us the link to your site and we can include it in the “conference web sites” list pointed to by the menu on the left.  If your conference does not have a web site but you would like to add a page to this site, just get ahold of us and we can work something up.

All for now.  Take care and God Bless all of you for what you do.

Summary of changes

1/16/2025:  Per Mark’s request, adding the Donate Button.

12/2/23:  Per Art’s Request, uploaded the latest Conference Presidents Listing.

10/21/23:  Based on user input, added links to the conference reporting forms.  

10/4/23:  Enabled Registrations and logins for this site.  There are some known issues.  

9/24/23:  Temporarily removed the Conference Presidents listing until login security is enabled.  

9/16/23:  Renamed the site to svdpstmartindistrict.org.  

9/14/23:  Loaded the presentation from the 9/10/23 district meeting onto the Meeting documents page.  Added the Safeguarding info and Conference Reporting info onto the Programs page.