Resources for Vincentians
Helping our neighbors in Need
Here is a list of resources you can use as Vincentians to help our neighbors in need. This is intended to be Council-wide. in the future we can add any unique resources available in individual Conferences.
Please help keep this list current. Contact us (see below) with changes/ additions.
Vehicle Donation Program
The St. Martin District Council of St. Vincent de Paul helps families throughout the entire six county area of southwest Ohio that lies outside Hamilton County. One of our main sources of funding is the St. Vincent de Paul Car Donation program. Vehicles that are donated from zip codes located within our six-county area will contribute to the St. Martin Council’s efforts, but only if these donations are made by calling 800-322-8284 or by visiting Cars are accepted running or not. Thank you for considering a vehicle donation to help our local St. Vincent de Paul District Council.
Conference Reporting
The St. Martin District Council requires that each conference complete an Annual Report. This requirement has not changed for this year. The Annual Report form can be found at:
In previous years, an annual Audit was also required. This requirement has been changes. Instead of the Audit, fill out and return these 2 documents:
The reporting requirements are specified on page 27 of the presentation from the meeting which can be found here:
Sept 2023 District Meeting Sept 10
Voice of the Poor
What is Voice of the Poor? What do we do?
The purpose of Voice of the Poor is to understand and then advocate about issues that keep our neighbors in poverty. We do this by service, by learning more about local issues, and by taking action to speak on our neighbors’ behalf. This past year our Cincinnati Voice of the Poor concentrated on understanding the lack of affordable housing in our community.
Our Society of St. Vincent de Paul, along with the United States Council of Catholic Bishops, uses a grassroots online-system known as Voter Voice to communicate directly with our elected officials. Our representatives can strive to enact public policies that prioritize housing, childcare, and other needs that help families thrive. Nationwide, we have about 100,000 Vincentians; locally we have over 4,000 members in our Archdiocese. Think of the impact we can have if we join our voices!
One of our goals is to encourage every Vincentian to register and actively participate in Voter Voice.
Want to learn more and get involved?
- Contact Cyn Macke, St. Martin District/St.Peter Conference 513 403-6679 or Jane Phelan, Chairman Archdiocese Voice of the Poor Committee 513 680-9549
- Attend the Archdiocese Voice of the Poor Committee meetings generally on the 2nd Tuesday of each month 9:30 AM. Join via zoom or attend at Cincinnati SVDP Bank Street location.
- Visit for a message from the national Voice of the Poor Chairman, Vincentian Position Papers, Voice of the Poor Issues, Voice of the Poor Third Thursday Webinar Library, Voice of the Poor Training Outreach and Advocacy Resources
Dare to Care Dash
The St. Martins District Council’s “Dare To Care Dash” 5K is a Run/Walk/Roll event open to athletes of all ages and skill levels. This event was formerly known as the “Run for the Poor”. It was started in 1992 to provide a social athletic event for our community and supporters. This charity run has the full approval of Miami Township Trustees and Safety Officials (Clermont County, Ohio). Similar to the Car Donation program outlined above, all proceeds from the “Dare to Care Dash” go directly into a Grant Fund that is used by our member Conferences specifically for needy applicants to St Vincent de Paul.
Click here to get more info on the Dare to Care Dash.
Council Grant Programs
The disbursement of funds raised by the council is done by request. Any conference can request funds for any unique situation identified as we perform our mission of service to our neighbors in need. Conferences make a request by completing the Grant request form (linked below) and submitting it to the Council President.
Sources of Aid
In an effort to maximize the benefit we can bring to our neighbors in need we need to collectively identify the various agencies and other resources available to us. The below list is a first pass effort to do so. Please review the list and consider how we can update, organize, and manage a common “library” of resources available.
Safeguarding Program
Safeguarding is the act of protecting people who are vulnerable from harm. It involves reducing and preventing risks of harm and working to ensure the safety and empowerment of vulnerable individuals and communities. Safeguarding involves recognizing the human rights of all persons and working to prevent and address violations of those rights.
In the context of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, safeguarding involves working to ensure that in seeking to assist people in need, we are committed to do no harm to their health and wellbeing or put them at risk of abuse or neglect.
Here are 3 Safeguarding Documents:
SVDP Cincinnati – Memorandum has much more detail on this program
Safeguarding Completion Tracking spreadsheet for conference presidents to use in recording completion of Safeguarding training.
Sept 2023 District Meeting Sept 10 has information on how to meet the Safeguarding requirements (starting on page 8).